Thursday, October 15, 2009

Where is our country heading?

The first tenant of a free market economy is that it’s an economy free from fraud. If a financial system becomes based upon fraud, then it is not a free market economy, but it is a fraudonomy, and the politics that support it a fraudocracy. The leaders of our Fraudocracy say that the common man must bail, bail, bailout the Banksters.
The banksters know that their numbers are few, so in order to loot they need to form a coalition, and their natural coalition is with the moochers. It is a natural match because the looters can't loot the moochers anyway, but they provide numbers, and are referred to as useful idiots.

Socialism is the coalition between looters and the moochers. In this case, it’s the coalition of the Federal Reserve and Wall Street looters and the Obama moochers. Before you moochers get too excited, realize that, what history teaches is that the looters will get it all. Moochers are always far worse off after a socialist revolution then they were at its beginning.
The foundation of liberty's torch stand on a platform of independence and self-reliance. If we become dependent for our necessities then we are subject to the whims of those upon whom we are dependant. Being subject to anther's unprincipled whims is not freedom, it is slavery. It is only by maintaining the tools of independence and self-reliance in their control that a population can hope to remain independent and self-reliant lifestyles. It is always the goal of control freaks, communists, fascists, royalty, dictators, and oligarchs of all varieties to make the population dependant and reliant on them. That way they control. That way you control nothing. Is that what the founding fathers aspired for America?
This Continent was blessed that an unusual coalition of geniuses that strove to find a way that the middling people, the common men, could have rights and dignity. Before America, genius was mainly used to oppress and enslave the common productive man.

We are a country because our founders fought for the right to representation. Now, the leaders of Fraudocracy vote on bills without even reading them, without presenting the bills to us. In my opinion, any bill passed in that way is unconstitutional, a violation of the natural law, evidence of tyranny forming up, and automatically void. Refusing to support the fraudonomy is not only your right; it’s your patriotic duty. How can we pass the torch of liberty to our children and allow the Banksters to maker them and us into debt slaves?

We were supposed to be a country of, for, and by the people. But now we have government of the banksters, by the banksters, and for the banksters. If you’re caught in the bankster’s oppressive debt trap, I’d be delighted to show you how to tell the banksters that they can shove it. More is at stake than your finances; your responsibility to pass the torch of liberty to the next generation is imperiled. Why should be allow the Banksters to make our children into debt slaves?

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