Thursday, October 15, 2009

What is oligarchy?

Oligarchy is a form of government where everything is controlled by the few. Before government of, for, and by the people, it was the only form of government that ever existed. To exist, oligarchy requires the centralization of assets, where everything is owned by the community, the corporation, the bank, or the king, but controlled in every case by the elites. Then, if you want a nice house, you get it by proving loyalty to the system, by committing any atrocity they demand, by riveting the chains of oppression on your neighbor’s necks, not by hard work and producing useful goods or services. It is the death of meritocracy, hard work and honesty become self-sacrifice, while immoral moochers, who never produced anything, are promoted to lord over the producers. They call that equality, but it’s an unnatural form of government, that always leads to shortages. The producers, being oppressed unbearably, they quit producing and join the moocher camp, or they move their production underground and become criminals. Most people do some of each, and a black market flourishes, but supply is always short, and each producer lives in fear of prosecution. To the oligarchs, this is acceptable, so long as they are in control.

Besides, it’s all for social justice, and equality, except, the oligarchs will experience their equality in the mansions or dachas, with luxurious cars, with unlimited resources. You will experience your equality in the meanest squalor under constant threat of imprisonment, or worse. But we must all have some skin in the game; we must all sacrifice for social justice. Social justice demands that you surrender the right to keep some of what you produce for yourself; it demands that you surrender the rights that Benjamin Franklin wanted you to have.

Oligarchy is forming up now. Through banking fraud, the oligarchs are rounding up the nation’s free and productive assets under their control. The foundations of oligarchy are being poured, but they have not hardened. We still might honor our intellectual forefathers, protect the natural rights of man, and ensure that the torch of liberty is passed to the next generation, upright, untarnished, and intact, so that government of, for, and by the people shall never perish form the earth.

For free men, resisting oligarchy is your most important duty, it matters not which disguise it wears. Its result would be totalitarian government, and denial of the people’s right to live independent, self-reliant lifestyles. All would be compelled to be dependent. The tools of independence and self-reliance would be denied to the people. Myself, I cannot live under oligarchy; it is a matter of personal survival, so I will resist it by every means necessary, until I have passed liberty’s illuminating torch to my son, or have perished in the effort. There is no better or higher purpose, no better cause, and should my blood fertilizer the tree of liberty, that would be acceptable. But should my blood be spilt as oligarchy’s slave, with legal chains riveted around my neck, knowing that I never stood against tyranny, knowing that I never spoke out while was able, that would be the most hideous and heinous death; the death on body, mind, and spirit.

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